I want tomorrow to come

I want tomorrow to come - 櫻坂46
- 作詞
- 秋元康
- 作曲
- ナスカ
- 編曲
- mellow
- 發行日期
- 2024/10/23 ()
I want tomorrow to come
櫻坂 46
僕は暗闇が怖くて 部屋の灯りを点けたまま寝る
"I'm afraid of the dark I go to sleep with the room light on"
大人になった今でも 実は見えないものに怯えてる
"Even now as an adult I'm actually scared of something I can't see"
煌々と ただ照らすLEDを見上げホッとして
I look up at the LED giving out the bright light, get relieved
and finally allow myself to sleep
Everyone mocks the chicken heart in me
But what if I am never awake again?
ああ誰にも発見されず Bye Bye
Ah, found by no one -- Bye bye
There's no point in thinking about such a thing
「まだまだ 若いし…」とかなんて何の慰めにもなりゃしない
"You're still young" does no comfort to me
I know every human will die someday, but…
でも明日が来て欲しいんだ ねえ明日は来てくれるの?
"But I want tomorrow to come Hey, will tomorrow come for me?"
そう やりたいことがあるし やり残したこともあるよ
"Yes, I have things I want to do and things yet to be done"
きっと 生きるってことは 暗闇をビビらないこと
I'm sure to live a life is not to be freaked out by the dark
そばに誰かがいる 孤独じゃないと教えてくれ
Tell me I have someone by my side and I'm not alone
Yes, I want tomorrow to come
Yes, I want tomorrow to come
I believe tomorrow will come
I believe tomorrow will come
Then I can close my eyes
There's no monster here
夜を乗り越えて 期待通りの陽が昇る
Coming through the night, the sun rises as I expected to
耳栓とアイマスクつけたら おぞましい別世界
"Earplugs and an eye mask take me to a dreadful different world"
I'm not too eager to find out about the world now
夢を見ちゃえば いつか覚めてしまうものでしょう
A dream is something that awakes you at some point
もし明日が来ないとしたら ねえ明日が絶望なら
"If tomorrow doesn't come Hey, if tomorrow brings despair"
もう 生きてる意味はないし いいことなんかありもせぬ
"There's no point in living and there won't be anything good"
Always 時間って奴は 自分勝手に過ぎて行くもの
Always, times passes by at its own will
You know どんな涙も いつの間にか乾いてく
"You know, every kind of tears will dry before you know it"
Yes, I want tomorrow to come
Yes, I want tomorrow to come
I believe tomorrow will come
I believe tomorrow will come
不幸せとは 自分を呪うこと
To be unhappy is to curse yourself
Imagination creates the monsters
目を瞑ったって 何も出て来ないはずさ
Close your eyes and you won't see anything coming
You will wake up to a dazzling tomorrow
僕の寝顔 誰かが見ててくれたら それがしあわせだ
"If someone is watching my sleeping face That's happiness to me"
すぐ横で君が添い寝するような そんな安らぎの中
In a state of comfort where you share the bed with me
ちゃんと 間違いなく 朝は来るよ
The morning will surely come
明日は 明日は 誰かのために
Tomorrow will, tomorrow will, for someone
I want tomorrow to come
I want tomorrow to come